Compassionate Solutions, Outstanding Debt Recovery Expert

At The ICRM we redefine debt collection with a compassionate approach and unparalleled expertise. Our team is dedicated to assisting businesses and individuals in navigating the complexities of unpaid invoices and outstanding debts. With a focus on integrity and simplicity, we strive to achieve remarkable results while prioritizing the well-being of our clients. Trust the ICRM group for reliable debt recovery solutions that truly make a difference.

How We Recover Your Money


Upon receiving a claim, Snap Debt Recovery promptly contacts the debtor for payment. Our agents insist on immediate payment and negotiate if necessary. If contact info is outdated, our investigative unit conducts a skip-trace to locate debtors for payment.


After the initial demand, your claim is logged into our system and assigned to a collector for daily follow-ups with the debtor. Our agent will contact the debtor daily via phone calls and mailed letters, with text and email used if approved.

Litigation & Attorney Demand

If the debtor fails to pay or remains unresponsive, our affiliate attorneys are available to represent you in a lawsuit against them. Alternatively, if the outstanding balance doesn't justify a lawsuit, our affiliate attorney in the debtor’s jurisdiction will demand payment on your behalf.

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